Is this normal?

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to get insight from other gym-goers and people with more experience in regards to how nutrition and exercise could potentially affect weight over a short period of time. Short version is, after being consistent for over a year and having my body weight go up from the normal 75 kg to a whooping 90 kg, I quit lifting weights and going to the gym altogether for two months due to an episode of depression and extreme anxiety. I went from eating 5 meals a day to eating 2 or 3 because of my lack of appetite. Only recently had I begun to overcome this episode. Today was my first day back to the gym. When I got on the scale for the first time in 2 months, I noticed my weight had gone down to 79 kg (prior to my last weight when I was consistent, which was 87.5 kg). I'm 26 and have a very ectomorphic build and gain mass very difficultly. Still, my anxieties have me thinking whether this could be some serious underlying illness. Is this normal? To lose close to 20 pounds in a 2 month period? Is it normal maybe for people with naturally higher metabolisms?


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