How much protein for myofibillar increase alone?

Eating 170g protein a day is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. I weigh 195 atm at 23% bodyfat. I'm sort of recomping at the moment, and please don't tell me I need to cut, but in wondering what the science behind pure muscle gains are (actual muscle cells as opposed to muscle cell AND fluid muscle size). The truth is, I want to pay no attention to my diet and just let my body naturally progress through strength training. I'm not gonna allow myself to eat like a fat ass, but just live normally and go to the gym with a routine (as in my honest opinion, how it should be). How much protein do I need for lean muscle gains at my weight and bodyfat? I'm hoping to hear something more along the lines of 60-80g, more or less. That's honestly pretty ideal and normal for the standard human diet. Take into consideration I'm not looking to be a 220lb 10% bodyfat bodybuilder soon.


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