Need help with my calorie calculations

So I don't know how many calories I should be taking in, and calorie calculators online only have like 3 or 4 different activity levels.

So I am 38 yo. 5 ft 9 inches, 146 lbs. I want to gradually gain muscle, while also minimizing fat gain. My exercise routine involves doing 4-5 (10 rep) sets of weight lifting (all on machine) without rest, and rapidly decreasing the weight and continue without pausing lifting once I increasingly experience muscle failure. I often do chest press, single-leg leg presses, shoulders, lats, calves, or other body parts subbed in, depending on the day. All in all, I do about 4-5 different weight lifting exercises in a day. I do each body region until I can't go any longer, while still lowering the weight. All finished up with some resistance cardio, such as rowing. I try to do this every other, or every 3 days, if I can. But sometimes my job has me working 12 hour days multiple times a week, and during those weeks, I can't.

Aside from that, my routine is pretty dry. I work an office job, and my job is a 6 minute bicycle ride from my apartment. Biking is easy for me, so there is very little HR increase from that. On days that I don't go to the gym, my activity level is pretty low. Slug level sedentary. I work at a desk for a living, 6 - 12 hours a day. But when I can get into the gym, I try to go as hard as I can. As of now, I get to the gym maybe 1 to 3 days a week.

I track everything I eat on MFP. What should be my maintenance calorie level? Is 2k cals too low?

from Forums - Nutrition


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