Need help, How to make gains in war-torn country!

Hi, so I will get down to it right away, I'm from Syria, I live there been working out for at least a month, burned most of my fat and all looking great, I played before for like two years made almost no gains, this time I'm 100% committed and I want to make noticeable gains, nothing big, just to shape my body at least.
I do cardio, I work out really hard, I'm more than committed, but the problem, the main problem is always nutrition.

As I live in a war-tron country, income ... let's just say lower than what you may even imagine, and prices are so high, this why I never made gains, I couldn't simply afford to eat ... The good thing this time is that ! I can. I finally got myself a decent job, I been saving for several months, and this is a part of why I'm very committed now. Sadly in Syria there is no supplement, as you may guess everything in the market is fake and even possibly harmful, even steroids are fake in Syria :) so I need to eat normal food only this is my only option ... and here I need your help, I want you to tell me if the following diet will make me any real gains, I want you to be honest, because if this is not going to work I will not throw all the money I have on it. Here is my plan, please note this will last for 3 months:
-Meal 1: 5 egg whites, 50g oatmeal, banana, 200g yogurt full-fat.
-Meal 2: 150g ground beef + 75-100g white rice and some vegetables and some yogurt.
-Meal 3: 200g chicken breast +75-100g white rice some vegetables and some yogurt.
-Meal 4: 200g chicken breast, some yogurt followed by an apple.

Note: I'm 180cm, weighting at around 80-79kg and my body has no shape, so you need to consider me starting from 0, I lost over 10kg over last six weeks so as you may have guessed I'm a bit flappy now.

from Forums - Nutrition

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