How to reach my goals?

Hey guys,

Noobie here, so I'll try to make this straight forward.
For the past two months I've been lifting 4 days per week, no cardio, and desk job. I eat the same 4 meals everyday which gets me to 2800 cals (250P, 214C, and 76F), which is maintenance. Also getting 8 hours of sleep, no alcohol, trying not to eat after 7pm (heard it was important, can someone explain?). I take a multivitamin, creatine, and whey shake post workout.
Currently: 24M, 6'4", 185lbs, approx 20% BFP, skinny-fat type

I have maintained 185lbs and lost some fat and made good gains. Stronger than I've ever been, which still isn't much.
Bench: 105 --> 145 (being able to do 135 was a big goal for a long time. I was ecstatic when I got it.)
Squat: 145 --> 195
Deadlife: 155 --> 185

Gains have begun to slow so I've realized its time to dial in nutrition and get serious so I can obtain exactly what I want. Here are my goals in order:
1) To see my abs
2) To dunk a basketball
3) To reach 200lbs

Goal 1)
I realize this is gonna be all nutrition. Cals in/cals out, macros, etc. Everywhere I look I get different amounts for macros and I am unsure which to use. I think I'm getting plenty of protein (can you get too much protein?). For carbs, some people say don't eat any, some say its one of the most important things. Fats, I don't know how they are important at all. I realize I need to lower my BFP to see my abs, but being skinny-fat, I also don't want to go into a cal deficit and look like a twig with abs. I feel like if I go full-on bulk I will put on a ton of fat and will never be able to lose it. I feel like I need to eat more (of what? idk) and add cardio to my plan. I just don't know how much and when to do it...before breakfast, after working out, anytime? Should I eat all my carbs earlier in the day, I hear not to eat carbs in the evening but have also heard the exact opposite.

Goal 2)
Tired of 5'8" guys saying, "Man if i had your height I'd be throwing down!" Sure you would... My legs have gotten stronger no doubt, but i feel like my jump is still the same. What kind of exercises do I need to be doing that will add bounce and not take away from my gains.

Goal 3)
I mean reaching 200lbs and still maintaining the abs. Is this possible without bulking over 200 then cutting? I'd rather have the abs then reach 200lbs but I'd rather be 200lbs than 160lbs.

Overall I have been feeling great, physically and mentally. I love what I eat and have been super consistent. What can I do to take what I have and step it up a notch to achieve my goals.

from Forums - Nutrition

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