Good nutrition for fat loss/muscle gain to start calisthenics?


about 10 days ago I started to workout 3 times a week and diet. My Idea was to lose fat and gain muscles, thats why the much chicken.
But atm I feel pretty weak and struggle to hit the same sets as in the first days and i lost about 3.5 kg.
My workouts consists of simple 10x10 sets (chest/back, biceps/triceps). And i cant do more pull ups as before.
You know i want to lose fat fast but also build muscles if that is possible.

My Stats:
never worked out
30-35% body fat
rounded (back)/shoulders
mainly sitting at pc

Diet Plan:

100g chicken breast
150g broccoli
2 eggs

200g chicken breast

Btw i sleep about 6-8 hours and go to bed at 0:00 - 1:30 am.

from Forums - Nutrition

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