Low fodmap diet query

Have been having horriffic digestive and stomach problems for years due to (i think) halobacteria. Done just about every test and medication this is all the docter can put the ongoing issues down to. I get horriffic immediate pain from a variety of foods now so im desperate. The gastro said this diet could help the healing process.

I understand all the obvious stuff foods to avoid e.t.c. But my question relates more to serving sizes. I have some of these cant post the link but the brand is Kezs and they make a variety of lowfomap foods. , . Now both have been marked as good to eat by that Fodmap company . I am not sure how legit they are either with everything ?

So it says the modmap quantity is one serving. How does this work though i.e if I have one of every flavor in the serving range does that change things ?

Same question for sauces its 13g of tomato allowed and I think 10 for mustard can you make a burger with both and be all good ?

I normally do fasting as well so how does that impact it ?

thanks in advance

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/OpHyC2s

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