gaining weight? need advice with nutrition

Hello folks. I may be posting this in the wrong place so I do apologize for that in advance.
Long story short. I am 27 years of male who's extremely underweight and unfortunately has a very bad lifestyle. I am 175/76 tall and weight exactly 55 kg. This drastic weight loose happened around year and a half when I moved to different country and because of my job I had to work around 18-20 hrs a day for about a month without a single day off. ( yeah, at one night I almost had a heart attack tbh). I work in a kitchen, so that time chef demanded perfection in every possible way. So I had to work that long, without day offs and almost nothing to eat on a daily basis. So in a month I lost about 12 kg. My normal weight has always been from 65 to 68 kg. As I mentioned my bad lifestyle, unfortunately I smoke about 2 packs a day, drink about 4/5 cups of coffee and at least once a week I do heavy drinking. On top of that, almost every night I have a junk food. Now that my working conditions have improved ( I still work 12hr/6 days a week though) and I am much less stress free, I came to conclusion that I actually need to start taking care of myself. I plan to completely give up smoking in a couple of weeks, hit gym and start eating healthy ( dream of every adult correct?), just because I can no longer take the sight of myself when I look in the mirror every single morning. All I see, are just bones and nose on my face. Hence my question. I went to some online calorie calculators, entered my info and almost all of them said that to maintain my weight I need to consume around 3000 calories a day. Just to maintain. As my job is phisically demanding ( heavy lifting and on daily basis I walk around 10/12 km through kitchen). Would it actually be healthy to consume 4000-4300 calories a day when normally my daily intake is about 1500/1800? Now, keeping in mind, when I am done with all the planning and I'll be smoke free ( hopefully ) will I still need that much calories single day? As for hitting gym, I doubt I'll do heavy lifting, some light cardio.
Sorry for such long post, for my English as well. And thanks in advance

from Forums - Nutrition


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