Top weight gainer for medically food restricted person

Id love some help for my brother. After a string of life-saving medical and surgical interventions, hes lost a good portion of his intestines and stomach. To make things worse, the meds he's on wipe away his appetite. He's 21, 6'1 and 130lbs, down from 190-210lbs before he got sick. He eats kid sized meals every hour, but his muscles are evaporating and he's lost a ton of hair, has gray dull skin, and has insanely low energy reserves, so he tries to eat as much carbs as possible, otherwise he sleeps all day.

I've been researching mass gainers and notice there are tons of high calorie supplements, but theyre all like 300g serving for 1500 calories, vs 160g servings for like 700 calories, lol.

What gives!?

Can anyone help me find a calorie protein supplement that will have the highest number of a combination of calories/protein/carb/fat per gram of serving.
Also, any clues as to what other additives to steer clear of as well as which supplement would be good (creatinine?)

from Forums - Nutrition

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