Beginning the year a few pounds above 250, a month and a half in I've managed to cut down pleasingly and am now skirting just above 240. In addition simply to training even harder and approaching my gym sessions more responsibly while making sure to get adequate protein within a moderate range of calories, I cut out alcohol completely for the month of January, as a point of discipline in addition to a kick-start on my cut.
That said, I love my beer. Wine and liquor do not hold much appeal to me, but there is something about the consumption of a cold one at the end of a day which undeniably manifests itself as the nectar of the gods: quintessentially refreshing, leaving a residue of glow in the belly as it warms and inspires the soul. It's just a correct, manly drink and I love it. :D
Anyway... Here is a diet template I just shopped for, and is along the lines of what I've been eating lately since year begin:
Cutting Framework Diet
- 4 eggs (24g, 280)
- 2 pieces buttered toast (10g, 300)
- 1 can beans, mayo added (25g, 400)
- 1 can tuna (20g, 90)
- 1 can chicken (50g, 350)
- 1 can sardines (17g, 140)
- 1 protein shake w/ water (50g, 250)
Total: 196g, 1710
And those are grams of protein on the left, and calories on the right, with the numbers pulled from the nutrition facts label. That leaves a nice allowance of 500-800 calories at my discretion to keep a cut going (since I seem to maintain in the upper 2000s without training and the lower 3000s with it). This diet is a little low on carbs to begin with, and is fairly strict. It gets to plenty of protein with acceptable amounts of fat and still has hundreds of calories which could be reasonably added on.
While I like light beer just fine, my favorites are the carb-rich craft varieties. My question is, since carbs are "protein sparing," and a Boston Lager has 18 carbs, drinking a few of those every other day or so looks like it would pretty well complete the carb demand (with maybe a bowl of oatmeal or something thrown in) to keep all the protein free for synthesis. I know the alcohol isn't doing me any favors, but there's not a whole lot of "fun" allowance elsewhere on here and I'm not competing in a competition or anything, just hoping to retain as much of a my lean mass as possible while losing a pound or so a week.
Lifters who are lean and big or legit nutritionists: I am an intermediate trainee who has bulked successfully and likes his beer. Being fairly strict everywhere else and training hard, will making allowance for "beer carbs" do any good when you can spare the calories and aren't splurging elsewhere?
If anyone can relate or shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! :)
That said, I love my beer. Wine and liquor do not hold much appeal to me, but there is something about the consumption of a cold one at the end of a day which undeniably manifests itself as the nectar of the gods: quintessentially refreshing, leaving a residue of glow in the belly as it warms and inspires the soul. It's just a correct, manly drink and I love it. :D
Anyway... Here is a diet template I just shopped for, and is along the lines of what I've been eating lately since year begin:
Cutting Framework Diet
- 4 eggs (24g, 280)
- 2 pieces buttered toast (10g, 300)
- 1 can beans, mayo added (25g, 400)
- 1 can tuna (20g, 90)
- 1 can chicken (50g, 350)
- 1 can sardines (17g, 140)
- 1 protein shake w/ water (50g, 250)
Total: 196g, 1710
And those are grams of protein on the left, and calories on the right, with the numbers pulled from the nutrition facts label. That leaves a nice allowance of 500-800 calories at my discretion to keep a cut going (since I seem to maintain in the upper 2000s without training and the lower 3000s with it). This diet is a little low on carbs to begin with, and is fairly strict. It gets to plenty of protein with acceptable amounts of fat and still has hundreds of calories which could be reasonably added on.
While I like light beer just fine, my favorites are the carb-rich craft varieties. My question is, since carbs are "protein sparing," and a Boston Lager has 18 carbs, drinking a few of those every other day or so looks like it would pretty well complete the carb demand (with maybe a bowl of oatmeal or something thrown in) to keep all the protein free for synthesis. I know the alcohol isn't doing me any favors, but there's not a whole lot of "fun" allowance elsewhere on here and I'm not competing in a competition or anything, just hoping to retain as much of a my lean mass as possible while losing a pound or so a week.
Lifters who are lean and big or legit nutritionists: I am an intermediate trainee who has bulked successfully and likes his beer. Being fairly strict everywhere else and training hard, will making allowance for "beer carbs" do any good when you can spare the calories and aren't splurging elsewhere?
If anyone can relate or shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! :)
from Forums - Nutrition
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