Should I be bulking or cutting? Pictures included

Age: 21
Height: 6ft 6inches
Weight: 246Lbs
BF %: Approx. 23%
Goal: 230Lbs 15%BF

I’ve been following a diet of 34% carbs, 29% protein, 37% fat, lifting heavy in beginning of workouts, moderate in middle of workouts, light weight and burnout pace towards end of workouts. Cardio every other day.

I’m trying to figure out what kind of macro split I should be going for, because Im trying to figure out if I want to be bulking or cutting. I want more muscle mass, but at the same time I also want to lower my BF % and I know that it’s not a good idea to try and chase loosing fat and gaining muscle/strength at the same time. So I’m stuck right now trying to figure out if I should bulk first and up my calories, or cut first and lower my calories.

I would ASSUME that I should bulk first then cut, but maybe I’m off. I attached some pictures to get a better idea of where I’m at. It's really hard to decide what to do with both my diet and workout routine without knowing if I should be trying to bulk or cut. Any suggestions or thoughts?

-also- I'm pretty sure I have traits of ecto/meso and endo, but if you have any insight on what body type you think I might be that would be awesome too just to know
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