Saw this on Reddit, opinions?

"There is so much bull**** in this post. Over complicating the crap out of it.

Health is about keeping insulin and glucose stable as **** when you don’t need them (ie. when sitting on your ass posting on Reddit). And when you’re training you want amino acids and simple carbs because hypoglycemia sucks.

All those side effects? Hair loss acne arthritis heart disease....? Are they from drugs? Yeah okay no, it’s just insulin and toxins wrecking you up.

Fiber obsession is useless, as proven is interventional studies. Most plants are loaded with some sort of toxins. Fruits are clean especially PWO as per above. Recommending spinach always triggers me, when so many people here have trashEd joints. Oxalate for all!

Let me guess, your nutrition “knowledge“ comes from Greger’s books? Of course people need to stop eating junk. Even tho it spikes insulin hard, at least broccoli-rice-chicken is low residue and low inflammation. Don’t need to have IBD to understand what plants and fiber do.

TLDR: control insulin and glucose, avoid toxins, be healthy."

from Forums - Nutrition


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