How much g of proteins per kg is ideal?

Hi everyone,

How much g/kg proteins should I take for moderate muscle growth? Different calculators show different results. I read anything between 1.3 to 2.2g/kg, some studies suggest going even higher toward 3g/kg. What is the optimal "sweet spot" consensus here?

Also how much of it can I get from protein supplements? Is it OK to take 100g of proteins by protein powder and the rest from regular meals? I'm not looking to get super bulky here, adding 6-8 kg of lean body mass would be enough (I weight 74kg/around 7% fat now).

I'm quite active, 3 free weight lifting sessions per week coupled with uphill/chronometer cycling and running 5 times a week (up to 60 min per session) as I'm training for sprint triathlons. So this means that I basically train 2.5 hours 3 days a week and 1-1.5h twice a week. I went from 69 kg to 74 kg in a year, but now I see no gains anymore even though I still do resistance training till muscle failure so it must be insufficient nutrition problem.

Thank you for helping me out here.

from Forums - Nutrition

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