Cheat Day in a Cut

Up until yesterday, I've been bulking, consuming 3500 calories a day (417g carbs, 230g protein, 107g fat) and am now 190 pounds, 22% bodyfat. As part of my cutting phase, I removed 280 calories from my diet, so I will now be eating 3220 calories a day (for now; will probably increase the deficit in a few weeks).

When I was bulking, every 1-2 weekends, I would have a cheat day where I ate about 5000 calories. Now that I'm cutting, I'm wondering if I can continue the every 1-2 weekend-cheat days, though they'd be 4800 calories, not 5000.

Should I:

A) Continue to eat 3220 calories on Saturday-Thursday and 4800 calories on Friday (would this still be a deficit overall because I did this during my bulk and the only change from the bulk is reducing my calories every other day?)

B) Eat 3220 calories on Sunday-Thursday, 4800 calories on Friday, and 1640 calories on Saturday (to balance it out quickly and keep my 280-calorie-per-day average deficit, eating normally the rest of the week)

C) Eat 4800 calories on Friday and 2960 calories on Saturday-Thursday (to balance it out over the week and keep my 280-calorie-per-day average deficit, reducing my normal calories by 260 per day)

D) Eat 3220 calories every day and stop the cheat days (least desirable option, but will do if absolutely necessary - the cut comes first)

Thank you very much in advance for any feedback!

from Forums - Nutrition


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