Beginner/Intermediate lifter, dialing in macros.

Hey guys, really glad to be here and looking to absorb some knowledge.

I've only been lifting maybe about 3 months now, 4x per week so I'm not brand new, but let me admit there's still a ton of **** to learn.

First, my current stats:
6"2' 222 lbs, maybe 20-23% body fat
TDEE Maintenance 3,136kcal
29 y/o male

The easiest way I'd describe is, I fill out the frame of my body nicely. I feel alright at the beach with my shirt off if you get what I mean.

I'm week 6 into the Jym Stoppani Shortcut to Size program, and totally loving it. When I started I couldn't do a pullup, could bench 100 lbs maybe once. I weighed 212 lbs, and have been consuming 1.5g protein/lb and roughly 3300 calories per day.

As of last night, I found out I can actually do 5 pullups with ease now, and I can bench 15 reps of 135, and in general have added a large amount of weight to each of my PRs. Not to mention that my body looks better 12 lbs heavier now than when I started.

Now I was eating so much because I read you need to be in a large caloric surplus to build muscle, but what I didn't read until now was that a beginner bodybuilder can actually get stronger and build mass in a deficit, due to how much fat I have on my body already.

So, honestly, I'm thinking I can cut my cals down to ~2500 with a macro profile of
235g protein (36%)
222g carbs (34%)
86g fat (30%) (.4 x bodyweight)
with the intention of losing around 1.2-1.5lbs of fat per week until I'm ~180lbs, and then try to bulk.

I'm not a dietitian, or even that experienced of a lifter, but in general my plan checks out right? Are the carbs too high for what my goal is?

Looking forward to seeing what you guys think, thanks in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition

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