First Time Bulker

I’m going to start my first bulk to build some muscle but not too much fat and am looking for some advice. Currently I’m 6’3” 195lb at around 15 bf%.

I go to the gym 3 times a week and do a push/pull/leg program; push M, pull W, and leg Thurs. mostly 3 or 4 sets of 8 reps. On M and Wed I do about 30 or 40 mins of running cardio after I workout. I’m thinking of a lean bulk with 300 cals surplus to start, giving me a rest day calorie total of 2700 with 200g protein, 60g fat, and 340g of carbs. Any extra calories I eat to cover extra calories I burn Lifting or doing cardio would just be whatever I wanted to eat without regard for a macro split.

Does this sound like a good plan?

sometimes I miss a day due to work and just do 2 days a week. Sometimes my age slows me down and I miss a whole week. When I miss a workout, should I not bulk on those days or how should I adjust?

Also, I lift and cardio at lunch. Should I heavy load carbs in the morning or will carbs I eat the night before work for energy?


from Forums - Nutrition

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