A few questions (transitioning from bulking to cutting)

Obviously my goal is to maintain as much muscle mass as possible!

1) I've been taking 5g creatine daily since start of bulk, in July. Should this be cycled off/on or can I just continue taking it daily at 5g indefinitely?

2) I take whey, creatine, glutamine, and multi-vitamin. Any other supplements I should be looking into?

3) I've gained an average of .7 pounds per week over the last 21 weeks, steadily. Currently at 2750 calories. Was thinking of doing a rest week between bulk cut and keep it at 2750 for that week, and then going down to 2250 to start the cut (will be going from 4 days lifting plus 1 day cardio to 3 days circuit lifting +2-3 days cardio, so activity will be higher). Sound reasonable? Slower? Faster?

Thank you!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/38ajBFU

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