Almond meal isn’t a meal at all!

I was at the store the other day. I was getting hungry and kind of in a hurry. I saw a package labeled “Almond Meal” that sounded interesting. It was only $6, not bad now that Subway and KFC etc have raised the prices on their meals. When I got home I was famished. I opened up the bag to begin my meal when much to my dismay and horror, the bag was filled with what looked like ground up nuts, thats it! There was no side dish or chips. No drink, not even a cheap juice box. Even worse, there was no desert, not even the “brownie” that tastes like rat poison in most meals. Not to mention, no toy or prize inside. I mean, sure I ate it all and was kind of full afterwards, but it was a bit difficult to get it all down without quite a bit of water. But its a travesty that they are able to get away with calling this a meal, highway robbery of you ask me.

from Forums - Nutrition


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