New here, beginner, need advise on proper nutrition for my goals

Hello, I'm Ant and I'm new here (first post) and new to working out. I have been working out doing weight training for about a month now. I know that diet and nutrition are key when it comes to getting in shape and I'm looking for some advise.

My goals are to increase muscle mass and lose my stomach fat (are there specific exercises I should be doing to target the fat around my midsection specifically?). Ideally, I would like to look slightly "stocky" and cut for my size. I have 6 pack abs still, I can feel them under my skin, but due to my stomach you can't see them. If I suck my stomach in I look great lol. I need to look like that without sucking in though.

First, here are some stats for me:

Age: 39
Height: 5'6
Weight: 147lbs
Body fat: (measured yesterday) 20mm chest, 37mm abdomen, 23mm thigh

As you can see, I have a bit of a bell I need to lose. I look fairly lean everywhere except my stomach, which I'm sure is due to diet and beer drinking. As for what workout equipment I have, I'm mainly use free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, plate weights with barbells and a half power rack) and I am using the training app called "FitBod" to help me on my journey. I initially started doing 3 days a week at 45 minutes per sessions (M/W/F) and now I have moved up to 4 days a week doing 1 hour per session (Su/M/W/F). I have not been doing much cardio, but on some of my rest days I try to get a brisk 30 minute walk in.

At this point, I don't count my calories or macros. I generally eat the same thing everyday for breakfast M-F which is usually a Chobani yogurt first thing in the morning on the way to work, then I have two scrambled eggs, a sausage patty, and 3-4 strips of bacon around 10:30AM. Then I typically don't eat again until about 6PM when I have dinner which dinner is different every day. so I'm probably at about 600 calories taken in or so by the time I make it to dinner unless I miss breakfast. On those days I have yogurt in the morning and then don't eat till 1PM or so and get a Jimmy Johns sub (Country Club with Ham and Turkey and I have them "scoop the bread so there is less bread to fill me up). I try not to go crazy for dinner, probably 800-1000 calories on average.

I also have been taking the following supplements:
- XTend BCAA Original muscle recovery - 2 scoops every day. On rest days, onee scoop before I leave for work, one scoop when I get home. One training days one scoop before workout, 1 scoop after.
- Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein with about 8 oz of 2% milk. I take this about 30 min after workout. This typically adds up to about 250 calories or so.
- about 700MG of Omega 3 fish oil pills each morning

I drink water throughout the day with a bottle of Gatorade Zero as well. Usually I'm taking in about 2 bottles of water a day at this point. sometimes more.

There are a couple nights a week where I go out and have a bucket of beers (Mich Ultra, 95 Cal each) which I know certainly doesn't help, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give those up yet lol. On those days I typically eat a light dinner since I'm basically "drinking my calories".

So with all that info, what recommendations do you guys have for what I need to do to cut this belly out and put on a fair amount of muscle mass?

Thank you in advance!


from Forums - Nutrition


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