Foods that have an undeservedly GOOD reputation...

piggybacking on Eli's thread... lets discuss foods that are highly OVER-rated in terms of their alleged health benefits. Not specific to muscle building, but things people often SAY are healthy, but really aren't when you consider the whole picture of the nutrient profile.

Here are some I can think of quickly:

Coconut Oil: Still EXTREMELY high in Saturated Fats... yet still people claim it's a 'healthy fat'

Brown Rice: Barely more nutrition than white rice, and doesn't taste better

Whole Eggs: A great source of vitamins, minerals, etc... but, people often say it's a 'good fat source', when it's 30+% Sat Fat, and not high in n-3 compared to plenty of other options.

Ghee: Similar to coconut oil... it's all name hype... this is just butter basically

Deli Meats/Cold Cuts: Low fat doesn't mean it gets a free pass... highly processed, higher in sodium, etc..

Canned Meat/Fish: Better than deli meat, but people love to say because canned Tuna has n-3 in it, it's somehow an amazing health food. Still canned, processed, etc.

Vegan/Vegetarian Meat/Dairy/Egg replacements: HIGHLY processed in most cases, often with added oils/chemicals to make them taste better.

'Natural' Sweeteners like Cane Sugar, Agave, etc.: They're basically just sugar... let's not pretend.

Now granted, I don't vilify any of these... I eat almost all of them sometimes... but I have a realistic view of their healthfulness and find it hilarious when people praise them for things they don't deserve.

from Forums - Nutrition


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