I am in need of alot of assistance

Hi, im xander and i am new to this whole gym/working out thing. I want to build some good noticeable muscle to make me look better with and without a shirt. First some things about me: i am a teenager who is 5ft 10in and i weigh around 140lbs. I used to always be a big kid and about a year and a half ago, something happened, i literally halfed my average daily calories and i wanted to lose weight. At that time i weighed about 180 and was 5 8. so i did, i ate an average of 1200-1300 cal a day to lose weight, but they werent the right kind of calories. example:i would still eat cookies and ice cream, but little amounts and also limit other foods. My parents got worried and it was getting worse. Then i discovered myfitnesspal and i used it for all of the wrong reasons, one day my mom figured out that i was using that and she saw that i had only eaten 750 cal that day and it was late at night, she began to cry and worry alot about this. since that hard time of my life, i believe that i have recovered, almost fully. I just started high school and they have a gym that i discovered that i can and do use, they also occasionally have a trainer there to give routines out. Anyways, now i still use myfitnesspal, but in what i call "my recovery". looking back at it, it does appear that i had an eating disorder, but now i use the app to try to hit the macros i have researched are good for me. as i stated, i want to build good muscle all over. The look i have right now is, in my eyes, what one may call "skinny fat" but i dont know if thats just what i see. the upper part of my upper body(ribs and up) are all visible and i have no "man boobs", my arms are very skinny and my look is terrible. but it still appears that i have a ring of fat around my stomach and small love handles. Are those "real" or is it just visible just because everything else is bone skinny and odd? At this point do i cut or bulk? How much do i need to eat a day in order to start the road to gains? One big thing is that i still am trying to recover from my "bad relationship" with food and learn that its not the enemy but its fuel. I have done so much research on these topics, it consumes all of my search history and alot of my free time at school. Where do i look for real advice? Can someone please assist me and give me some help? How long will all of this take? Once i know whats good and bad, what my macros and calories should be to build lean muscle, what are the best foods and sample meals to do so? please help me as much as you can, Thankyou all very much already!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2ON6mmV


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