Food Face Off, Superfoods, Post 26 of 27

Barley vs Turkey breast

Barley is a top source of beta-glucan, a fiber that lowers cholesterol and helps control blood sugar. I like my barley with hops and water.

Turkey breast has 34 grams of satisfying protein, but just 167 calories per 4-oz serving. I like to wash down my turkey breast with some barley ^^^.

Round 2: Brown rice, Cherries, eggs, tomatoes, walnuts, apples, steel-cut oats, salmon, spinach, Scallops, olives, oysters, strawberries, lentils, sunflower seeds, black beans, bananas, potatoes, Greek yogurt, cherry juice, tea, blackberries, peanut butter, grapes, blueberries, oranges,

from Forums - Nutrition


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