Why am i Gaining weight in a calorie deficit?


I just started working out again after 6 months after i had bicep tendonesis surgery for a torn bicep tendon. At the end of March, I was going to the gym regularly for a week or two, doing 3 x 30 min of cardio a week and working out 5 days a weeek for around 80 minutes. I was consuming around 130g of carbs, 76g fat and 240g of protein or so during this time and ate around 2080 calories. I was losing around .7-.8 lbs a week.

Easter kind of messed up my consistency.. But being back into it and very consistent, I am eating 2330 calories, 37g fat , 203g carbs and 301g of protein and i do 5x 45 min sessions of cardio a week and 70-80 min during my intense workouts… I went from 198.9 to 201.5 and as I have measured every other day, it keeps going up??! I’m confused. I also drink 1.75-2.25 gallons of water a day.

Is it possible the increased carbs are giving me water weight?, I am recomping or am i just not eating the right calories?

I track consistently and flawless, weighing and tracking meat cooked , as well as rice cooked ,oats raw, protein raw obvs, and eggs raw. So i’m joy seeing where I’m going wrong ..

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/uvBhcg0


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