- Difference between traditional abdominal and plank.

Despite being similar exercises, because they work the abdomen, there are differences between the traditional sit-up and the plank. The difference is in muscle recruitment. The plank, when performed correctly, activates the core, a set of 29 pairs of trunk muscles that are linked to good posture, stability, proprioception and protection of organs in the human body.

In this way, the abs work the belly muscles separately, above all the obliques and rectus abdominis. Therefore, I work a much smaller muscle group than the plank.

- Which one is the best?

With the differences mentioned above, you must have noticed that the plank has more advantages compared to the sit-up. Thus, in its simplest position, with forearms resting on the ground, abdomen contracted, chest open, legs slightly apart and hips fitted, it is possible to observe that several members of the body are worked together.

Therefore, when doing a plank, it is normal to feel discomfort and post-workout pain in these regions. Result: More benefits and strength for the whole body and abdominal definition, mainly.

- Abdominal plank benefits:

Like other types of sit-ups, the plank also brings many health benefits and a better quality of life.

- So, check out the main ones:

* Improves posture;

* Increases muscle strength;

* Strengthens the core;

* Improves motor coordination;

* Reduces stress;

* Helps burn calories.

- Abdominal board: when to do it?

You can include plank training every day in your routine, preferably before your main workout. Because this activity can serve as a warm-up for other exercises like bodybuilding, running, swimming, etc.
If you are a beginner, start by doing 3 sets of 30s each, with a 30s break between them. Gradually increase to 40s until you reach 60 seconds.

Despite being a complete activity, nothing prevents you from practicing sit-ups to maximize results. So, just perform the movements correctly and respect the rest breaks. Physical Education professionals recommend that you do abs workouts every other day, but it all depends on the training plan, physical capacity and focus on the individual's activity.

- Abdominal board helps to lose weight?

There is no magic recipe, the best way to avoid the accumulation of abdominal fat and in other parts of the body is to align diet and physical activity. But the abdominal board can help burn calories and consequently lose weight.

- Types of abdominal plank:

* Inverted plank.
* Side plank.

- How to perform:

1- Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you;

2- And soon after, place the palms of your hands, with your fingers wide open, on the floor, a little behind and far from your hips;

3- Thus, press the palms of the hands and lift the hips and torso towards the ceiling;

4- Look at the ceiling, point your toes and keep your arms and legs straight;

5- Keep the whole body strong and form a straight line from head to heels. Remember to contract the abdomen;

6-Stay in position for up to 30 seconds;

7- Return to the starting position and do up to three repetitions of 30 seconds.

- Side plank:

1- Lie on your right side, with your legs extended from hips to feet. The elbow of your right arm should be in line with your shoulder;

2- Make sure your head is directly aligned with your spine and your left arm with the left side of your body;

3-Contract the abdomen and pull the navel towards the spine;

4- Then lift your hips and knees off the mat as you exhale. Hold the position for 60 seconds;

5- Right after the breaths, inhale and return to the starting position. Switch sides and repeat the entire result.

- Tips and care:

* Always seek professional advice to verify the execution of your exercise activities. This is extremely important to achieve results, avoid injuries and improve conditioning safely;

* In addition to the plank and sit-ups, include aerobic and high-intensity workouts to keep your metabolism running and burn a lot of calories even after you run them;

*When doing sit-ups, be careful not to force the neck and cervical region, areas more prone to incorrect movement. Because the focus is always on the abdomen;

* In the case of the board, avoid looking forward and up. This is because the gaze needs to be facing downwards so as not to overload the neck and impair the rest of the body posture. Don't forget to keep your hips aligned and squared - don't drop them down, as this hurts your lower back and affects your posture.

* Finally, if your focus is on abdominal definition, know that it is important to follow a balanced diet. That is, the exercises alone do not work a miracle if there is no adequate consumption of nutrients, avoiding excess such as fried foods, industrialized foods and other types of foods rich in sodium and trans fat.

- In summary, the Abdominal Plank is a very effective exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving posture. With regular practice, it is possible to obtain significant results and improve the quality of life.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/UQnzMAm


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