is there something wrong with me?

i have been doing a cut from january 27th till now. for the month of april i have been eating 660 calories a day. 18 oz tuna split in to 3 meals. i feel hungry at night when im in bed, but i can still sleep on it.

i am 5'8 175 before the cut. now i am 5'8 160. i train 5 days a week and 6 days of cardio.

my everyday schedule is:

7am wake up. lay in bed till 9am then get up.

9am cook 6oz tuna and eat it for an hour.(if i eat it fast, im afraid i'll be hungry faster.)

10am heading to the gym. with training and cardio(rowing machine 30 minutes burn 300 calories)

12:30pm finish workout and cardio. heading home.

1pm cook 6oz tuna. eat for an hour.

2pm-5pm gaming on the computer.

5pm 6oz tuna. eat for an hour.

6pm in bed. looking on my phone.

10pm lights out. sleep.

i am just very confused how i am able to feel fine on an extreme low calorie for almost a month. i never heard anyone who is training in the gym doing a 600 calorie diet even for pre contest.

from Forums - Nutrition


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