Food Habits You Hate

What are some food/eating habits that rustle your jimmies? It just occured to me that I have a lot. For me, it's:

-People who don't order any food, but then ask for a bite of mine...This is x2 if they get butthurt when I say no, x3 if I relent and they take a gigantic bite, and there's a potential homicide if they take more than one bite.

-People who use a single ketchup packet or a tiny little drop of hot sauce...WTF is the point?! Why even use sauce? I immediately think you're a boring, basic person. I'll add to this, somewhat hypocritically, that I hate people who judge me for using a ton of sauces. "Don't you wanna taste your food?" Absolutely. That's why I'm adding stuff to make it taste even better, bish.

-People who inhale their food when we go out to eat...This is doubly off-pissing when they try to ask me questions the whole time I'm just trying to finish my damn meal.

-People who give me a hard time when I refuse the bullchit they brought into work...I said I don't want your fuking burnt ass cookies or the cheap chit donuts you got at Dunkin, Karen. You're not gonna buy my friendship if I eat it, & me having one doesn't make you any less fat. If not for the aforementioned reasons, I know you just brought those desserts because you don't wanna binge on them at home.

-People who walk around shoving food in their mouth...Sit down and enjoy your food, man. What kinda life is that?

-Americans who turn their noses up at any cuisine that isn't burgers, steak, chicken fingers, etc....You judge my food for being "weird". I judge you for having the palate of a 4 year-old.

-People who eat a moderate amount and go on and on about how "full" they are...WTF are you trying to do, bruh? Are you actually THAT full? Even if you are, do you maybe wanna not fuking dwell on it all night.

-People who have fridges/pantries full of expired food they never eat...Throw it out, man!

-People who leave meat or dairy out at dinner parties for hours without putting it back in the fridge, then try to keep it as leftovers...Clearly you don't know the pain of food poisoning.

-People who don't throw out food they hate because they "don't wanna waste it". You're wasting your life by keeping/eating chit you don't wanna eat.

-People who ask for a doggie bag or take a to-go container when they have one bite of food left...Bruh...

from Forums - Nutrition


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