Another study showing exercise doesn't increase TDEE as much as expected

I know all of you love these studies:

You can get the main gist from table 1 and figure 2.

Of note, the 8 KKW group burned 869 +/- 1801 kcal/wk, and the 20 KKW group burned 1854 +/- 1220 kcal/wk. There is no explanation for why the standard deviation is so wide on those numbers.

The lack of statistical significance for some of the differences is due to the small sample size/variability. Unfortunately these types of studies are quite resource-intensive so it is difficult to get large enough sample sizes to see clearly what is going on.

So on average the 8 KKW group did not increase TDEE, while the 20 KKW group did but only by an average of 144 kcal/d, which sounds like a lot but 144*7 = ~1,000 kcal but, considerably less than the 1,854 burned with exercise. So there was certainly an increase with the higher level of activity but there was significant compensation.

from Forums - Nutrition

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