Can anyone confirm my calorie math??

Hi there fellow bodybuilders.

My name is Steve and I began my foray into bodybuilding about a year and a half ago. Unfortunately for me, Covid has made it really difficult to get to the gym and see my coach so I've starting doing some self education on my workout plans and meal plans.

At this stage I THINK I understand my macro nutrient needs and how to calculate them. HOWEVER, my coach has always done that for me and provided my meal plans. When trying to reverse engineer the meal plan I get wildly different numbers in terms of overall daily calories so I was hoping someone here with more experience can confirm/deny my conclusions.

Attached is the last meal plan I was given. In the lower right you will see my totally daily calories (currently 2730 - quite low as I need to cut a bit as well as the breakdown of the protein/carb/fat). HOWEVER I added all of the food from the mealplan into myfitnesspal (making sure to use the right food/nutrition label/and weights) and for my total daily calories I am getting approx. 4,570 calories. Now I grant you myfitnesspal may be slightly off the mark, but that number is nearly double.

Am I missing something or is that calculation correct and instead of aiming consuming 2730 calories I'm actually consuming much much more? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone.

from Forums - Nutrition

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