Most people should do maingaining/lean bulk phases, and only cut if obese?

Alright this may spark some controversy, but hear me out first. I'll use males as an example. I think they should alternate between maingaining and lean bulking phases depending on a bodyfat range of 12-20%. With maingaining, you eat at maintenance calories and with a 'lean' bulk, you eat at a 100-200 calorie surplus. If 12% bodyfat, lean bulk. Once 20% is reached, maingain to 12%. If over 20%, cut. At around 12% bodyfat, it becomes way too slow to keep maingaining, so lean bulking would be the way to go again. Also, both 12% bodyfat and 20% body fat are healthy levels without performance being impacted. You can also monitor performance in the gym to see if maingaining is working. If you're progressing, you're building muscle. The main point of this post is to constantly be in an anabolic state.

From what I'm seeing, we have an epidemic of cutting and wanting to be lean and not enough muscle building. Many people want to get lean to the point that they don't have much to show once lean. I'm against cutting the majority of the time because it slows the rate of muscle growth considerably and pretty much stops it for those who have already built up a decent amount of muscle mass. Also, most people do it wrong and end up losing muscle mass which they then have to regain once they start bulking. So how much time did they really save for building muscle? They end up yoyoing an entire year's worth of progress that they could of made.

Maingaining on the other hand, is only about 100-200 calories shy of a slow bulk so it doesn't impact the rate of muscle growth anywhere near as much as cutting does. Now I know that maingaining while lean is a pipe dream, but doing it once reaching about 20% bodyfat from a slow bulking phase is perfectly feasible. You never have to worry about halting muscle growth with cutting phases. You could be gaining 3lbs of muscle in 3 months maingaining instead of nothing at all. You are not only burning up bodyfat stores to build muscle, but you are also bringing your bodyfat percentage down through having more lean tissue built.


from Forums - Nutrition

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