Diet critique and weight loss stall

Hi guys, hope you are all well.

I’ve currently been cutting for 5 weeks.

Weighing myself every 2 weeks.

All was going good until today where I have lost no weight ( on the scale ) in the last 2 weeks.

I have started taking creatine and have read it could be water weight from that.

I’m hoping I can keep my diet as it as as I don’t have any trouble at all sticking with it and never fee hungry.

Please let me know what you think.

Currently 198lbs looking to get down to 180 for now and will then re-evaluate.

30g oats - 250 cals , 10g protein
Protein shake 1 scoop - approx 105 - 21g prot

Tuna - approx 100 cals , 23g protein
2 whole eggs - approx 150 Cals - 12g protein

3 scoops protein - 315 cals - 63g protein

Meat - 200g
( 200g chicken breast = 340 cals - 60g pro )
Veg - 100g - 100 cals
Potato 200g - 150 cals

Total cals - approx 1510 cals
Total protein - approx 190g

I know my protein shake intake is quite high which I’ll be looking at changing but it’s a start.

Work out 3 days a week, and do cardio the other 4 days ( rowing machine )

Thanks very much guys, have a good day !

from Forums - Nutrition


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