Calorie Cycling for Cut

Hi all,

I've been trying calorie cycling and was looking for some perspectives on the plan I’ve been following based on some advice I received. Currently, I'm hitting food heavier on weekends with heavy lifting days and then low calorie meals during the weekdays.

Goal is to lose around 1.5 - 2lbs per week and get back to around 12-15% bodyfat. Definitely more of a lifestyle trainee but love getting back in shape and have been enjoying it since restarting a month and a half ago.

My stats
- 6’1
- 234
- 27% bf
- 2100 time (lab measured)
- 2300 bmr (Dexa sedentary)
- 2800 bmr (dexa slightly active)

- Lift 45 minutes 4 times a week high intensity walk for about an hour 4-5 times a week at slow dog walking pace

- Eating around 14000 calories a week which averages 2k a day.
- Eating 2800-3200 per day on Sat and Sun with heavy lifting.
- Non weekend says are 1500-2000 depending on lifting day or not (Mon - Wed - Fri 1500, Tues / Thurs when working out 2000)
- Eating high protein to help minimize muscle lost across the board.

What’s your take on plans of this nature? Again, looking for a more balanced approach that enables me to enjoy weekends and flexibility in diet. Targeting around 1.5 - 2lbs of loss a week to get back to 12-15% bodyfat.

Thanks all

from Forums - Nutrition

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