Have you avoided spinning your wheels over your "dieting" career?

I've been in this thing since 2012 as far as dieting. I'm usually able to stomach a "serious diet" once every 18 months where the diet lasts at least 6 months and go through a very solid transformation. I've never been a fat phuck or athletic freak but somewhere in the average middle. Usually every cut I am able to push my self a little further and improve my results from the previous.

One thing I could never shake though, no matter what cutting method I employ is that after every diet there seems to be a hunger debt. Every cut I believe I feel the instincts calling in like some outwardly world hunger drive at a point. I remember one time I was so hungry the images of cadaver videos made me salivate in anatomy classes. Anyways it seems to come about no matter the caloric deficit, diet breaks, IIFYM, carbs cycling etc etc whether it aggressive or conservative and seems to be more related to overall fat loss, and I'm not talking I'm going below 10% BF... I'm talking sub 15% is when it kicks in

One thing I will admit to not have trying is doing a super conservative cut, lets say 100-200 calorie deficit per day and I was wondering if anyone has faced the same issues as me and what helped. Overall I feel like this hunger drive has keep me from maintaining over meaningful periods of times. I will say you learn how to push your discipline further however it seems like there's an underlying issue in my case. I think there is something I can do differently to avoid feeling like I'm starving on an instinctual level and maintain a healthy 15% BF for years on end

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/3eYycrv

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