Any tips or info about nutrition to a newbie, coming from an eating disorder.

Title says it all. Struggles with anorexia. I'm working towards muscle growth and I struggle trying to sort out eating enough period, let alone eating the right **** to get the results I want and you know, not be stuck lifting five pound dumbbells. I can put myself down here all I want but I genuinely want to build muscle and strength, not just the comp aspect.
I'd go to a dietician but my insurance doesn't cover that right now. So I'm sort of looking for some advice or tips what have you to help build a foundation. I feel like that's the most important step but I'm struggling the most with it. I want to eat enough and not just on vegetables. I know the macros/calories it's just the meal building part that I suck at. I've no idea what to eat to reach those goals.

from Forums - Nutrition

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