#19185968737 Guess the color of the day

There was a guy coming 2-3 times a week to my medical clinic to take a random court ordered drug screen. His ex wife was messed up, but he passed 22 drug screens in a row over 2 months. He has to pay for it out of pocket. $700. I told him that 2-3 times a week is too much, and to tell the judge that it is a financial burden. He did. The judge changed his color.

Every day all the people under court supervision have to call that ^^^ number. They are assigned a color. If your color gets picked, you have to take a drug screen that day. Some colors get picked more often than others. Ex: gold can be picked 3x a week. Brown is normally 1x every 2 weeks. More than one color can be picked a day.

Every morning I visit with the receptionists and we guess whether or not this guys color will be called, then I call the number on speakerphone. This guy is quite flamboyant. He's always wearing some clothing with a Batman logo on it. Me and the receptionists call him Batman.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/45bgKqE

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