Calorie Management

Hello all. I hope this is the right place. I am new to the site and have been working on my fitness for a bit now but seem to have stagnated. I am trying to gain some lean muscle while slowly losing body fat/maintaining what I have. For reference here is my current spread.

33 years old...5'10''....160lbs... 34.5 inch calorie cap for myself is 3000 calories a day. I get 160 to 190g of protein a day....about 300g carbs on average
The fats I dont keep track much but try to eat healthy fats when I do.

My excercise is as follows. 5 out of 7 days I walk/ jog to work 3.7km in 30 to 40 mins. Then a brisk walk home of the same after work.

Two days of the week I do....(with 2 25lbs dumbells)
Overhead lift 10x3
Bent over row 15x3
Pushup 15x3
Standing flies 10x3
Hammer curl 10x3
Tric exten. 15x3
Wrist twost 15x3
Shrugs 15x3

The other two days are legs (same dumbells)
Goblet squat 15x3
Hip bridge 15x3
Stiff leg deadlift 15x3
Crunch 15x3
Leg lifts 10x3
Side bridge 10x3 each side
Russian twists 20x3
Plank 1 min.

I dont have access to a gym or heavier weights at this time. Also after a 9 hour shift throwing around 50+lbs boxes all day.

I dont seem to be gaining or losing weight but if I eat more I feel like its too much. I am not unfit by any means. I could lose a little stomach padding but for the most part my stomach is flat if not super defined.

from Forums - Nutrition

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