Journalist Seeking Subjects for a story about eating disorders in bodybuilding

Hi there

My name is Julian Towers. I'm a freelance journalist and happy weightlifter who nevertheless struggles with a fitness obsession that sometimes edges into a straight-up eating disorder. As much as my routine has given me the body of my dreams and kept at bay the more formless anorexia I used to struggle with, I've grown concerned about the extent to which exercise has colonized both my mind and my day-to-day life. Even as I understand that-- so long as I stick to my healthy-habits in the long-term-- nothing could ever change overnight, I am simply unable to embrace the natural unpredictability of life; I stress about my daily step count, avoid food when I don't know calorie information, and shun social debauchery for worry of destabilizing my routine.

At the moment, I'm in the early stages of putting together a piece that would highlight individuals whose bodybuilding has brought similar challenges-- be it those who have found the discipline of exercise aggravate their old eating-disorders or create new ones altogether. Additionally, I'm also intrigued by
1. how the ebb and flow of pandemic life across the last two years has affected these conditions
2. if the masculinized stoicism thats become inextricably associated with weight-training makes it more difficult for us to seek help (or even recognize that we might have a problem)

Please let me know if any of you would be down to speak to me.
If you'd prefer not to respond publicly, my email is

Thanks for your consideration!

from Forums - Nutrition

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