To Drinkers: It’s OK to drink alcohol the night you workout, here’s the REAL Science!

We’ve all seen it and heard it. If you Google “Is it ok to drink alcohol after a workout?” or “Is it ok to drink the night before a workout?” We are bombarded with a million articles all saying the same thing: Drinking too much alcohol is evil. Drinking will destroy our gains and annihilate protein synthesis. It will mess up our physiology and **** with our hormones and testosterone production. Drinking alcohol the night BEFORE your workout is worse than skipping it. It’s evil! Well no, it’s all bull**** propaganda. Let me explain:

First of all I I’d like to state that I do not condone excessive drinking. I think it goes without saying that constant excessive drinking is dangerous, unhealthy, and can lead to major health issues down the road. That being said, this article is aimed towards the large majority who lift weights and have a social life, those who do enjoy drinking and want to know its actual effect on muscle growth. And I’m not talking about 1-2 drinks a day, this article is for weightlifters who like to go out and get DRUNK. Myself included. As someone who regularly drinks A LOT of beer and has never noticed any decline in performance or gains, I wanted to research it more deeply. And for those of you who drink a lot, here are the REAL studies I found on alcohol vs. muscle growth:

This article basically explains a statistically significant study on the effects of heavy drinking and protein synthesis after a workout. The study showed that there was no effect in strength or protein synthesis with heavy drinking after a workout with “familiar” moves (squat, bench, deadlift, etc.) However, it did show a slight decrease in recovery with brand new exercises and weight movements. Here’s the article:

Here is the scientific study:

2: Of course we are all probably familiar with the infamous study “athletes pounded 6 shots of vodka within 4 hours of workout and their muscle synthesis dropped 37%, but only 24% when they consumed a whey protein shake”. What isn’t well known or even acknowledged in a lot of these articles is that this study was performed with 8 people. Yes a whopping eight people. All athletes, and all junk science. Here’s the actual scientific study:

When it comes to drinking excessively the night before you work out, well that’s just common sense. You might not be able to perform as well if you’re hung over and dehydrated, but it’s not going to effect your muscle growth. If you put 80% into your workout because you’re hung over, you’ll still get 80% gains. The drinks you had the night before won’t cause you to not gain any muscle for the same amount of effort.

The truth is that there is hardly any research available on the effects of alcohol after a workout. All studies mostly deal with working out while intoxicated, which is not something any normal lifter would do. All articles on Google tell us how horrible it is to drink after our workouts based on 1 or 2 studies with 8 people… and their politically correct anti-drinking crusade. Every single article you read will quote that 37/24% thing, and if they are lazy they won’t even quote that and just tell you it’s bad with no basis. I can tell you that I drink and I am still building muscle, so it’s ultimately up to you and how you feel. If you choose to drink, it’s not going to make that much of a difference based on current research. Go out and live your life and get laid.

Broscience haters, hit me.

from Forums - Nutrition

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