Physical Therapist

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates a Basic Forward Plank and Common Faults. Nicklaus Children’s Sports Health is fast becoming one of the premier programs of its kind in the nation, combining state-of-the-art diagnostics and screening with a multidisciplinary team of pediatric sports medicine doctors for elite, intermediate, beginner and special needs athletes.
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Bringing together the region’s top pediatric orthopedists, neurologists, cardiologists, nutritionists, physical therapists, and athletic trainers – our comprehensive program is dedicated to enhancing young athletes’ sports performance through a focus on injury prevention, performance optimization and individualized injury management. Whether your child is competing as an elite athlete at a national level or just loves to run in the park, our holistic, specialized program will help them achieve their personal health and fitness goals.
Video: *************.us/69341180907432
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