Bulk, Cut, Maintain?

Hi, so over the course of working out since July or almost 6 months, my strength has went up pretty well. My lifts right now are, 295 bench, 425 dl, and a 405 squat. When I started in July I was weighing in at 173lbs now I’m 191lbs. Recently I’ve gotten some stretch marks on my biceps, triceps and shoulders and also my inner thighs. Recently people have been telling me to slow it down and some people saying I’m doing good. Right now I’m in a debate of keep doing what I’m doing or to do a cut. I can’t post images due to the 50 limit, but I posted them on my profile. Any advice would be helpful :) Also the post with me in the bathroom heside the garbage can was about a year and a half ago, just wanted to put it there too show kind of where I started

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/3c5NsE7

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