I just dug up this article that argues that fructose may trigger a response in the brain that stimulates "craving, impulsivity, & hyperactivity" due to a "foraging response" the brain may undergo in a state of starvation. They even go so far as to say that fructose may either trigger or exacerbate mental disorders involving manic or inattentive states like ADHD or bipolar. It seems pretty far-fetched & I'm personally not entirely sold based on their evidence, but hyperactivty during starvation is a very real thing in the chronic & acute starvation accompanying things like anorexia, as I and other eating disorder survivors can attest. It also jibes well with seemingly every parent who claims their kids go crazy after eating sugar. I know every study on the topic since the 90s has thus far has failed to prove that sugar does anything to promote hyperactivity in kids or adults. The common idea in the evidence-based research community is that this myth arises from the fact that kids tend to eat more sugar at things like birthday parties or holidays where they're already prone to being hyperactive. I don't necessarily buy this argument, either.
As an adult with ADHD & bipolar disorder, I have to say that high sugar feedings do indeed trigger hyperactivity & even manic states at times. This was even moreso the case when I was underweight. I also do anecdotally tend to get a large rush of energy & motivation after a high carb meal. That being said, I believe part of this might come from the inherent pleasure of eating sugar. Mania for me can also be triggered by other pleasurable activities like sex, drugs, or even a really good workout. Perhaps experiencing bodily pleasure just inherently makes people more pleasure-seeking & thus "hyperactive"?
I just dug up this article that argues that fructose may trigger a response in the brain that stimulates "craving, impulsivity, & hyperactivity" due to a "foraging response" the brain may undergo in a state of starvation. They even go so far as to say that fructose may either trigger or exacerbate mental disorders involving manic or inattentive states like ADHD or bipolar. It seems pretty far-fetched & I'm personally not entirely sold based on their evidence, but hyperactivty during starvation is a very real thing in the chronic & acute starvation accompanying things like anorexia, as I and other eating disorder survivors can attest. It also jibes well with seemingly every parent who claims their kids go crazy after eating sugar. I know every study on the topic since the 90s has thus far has failed to prove that sugar does anything to promote hyperactivity in kids or adults. The common idea in the evidence-based research community is that this myth arises from the fact that kids tend to eat more sugar at things like birthday parties or holidays where they're already prone to being hyperactive. I don't necessarily buy this argument, either.
As an adult with ADHD & bipolar disorder, I have to say that high sugar feedings do indeed trigger hyperactivity & even manic states at times. This was even moreso the case when I was underweight. I also do anecdotally tend to get a large rush of energy & motivation after a high carb meal. That being said, I believe part of this might come from the inherent pleasure of eating sugar. Mania for me can also be triggered by other pleasurable activities like sex, drugs, or even a really good workout. Perhaps experiencing bodily pleasure just inherently makes people more pleasure-seeking & thus "hyperactive"?
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