My diet, good enough?

I am 182lbs, 6ft. Looking to get to 200lbs by december doing a lean bulk. Currently around 12.5% bodyfat. This is my diet plan I have been doing for couple weeks just wondered on peoples thoughts of what else I could do differently etc.
I workout 4/5 times a week and have a manual job and found 2500/2600 kcal to be my maintenance kcal.
Meal 1
4 whole eggs
2 wheatabix W/SS milk
Meal 2
1 scoop whey protein
Meal 3
330 grams cooked white rice
2 peppered pork steaks
150 grams mixed veg
Meal 4
1 scoop whey protein
Meal 5
330 grams cooked rice
2 peppered pork steaks
150 grams mixed veg
Meal 6
2 slices of wholemeal toast
20 grams of jam/honey

253g protein
313g carbs
65g fat

from Forums - Nutrition


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