Freak early a.m. sleep disruption from any lifting

Hello all!
Brand new here, but at the end of my rope and thought if anyone were to have the answer this would be the place.

As of maybe 2 years ago (I'm 33 now) I realized I was no longer able to sleep through the night if I did any kind of resistance training / muscle work. I can't even do just 20 pushups now without my body suddenly then waking fully wired anywhere between (specifically) 4 am and 6 am the following morning. Going back to sleep is usually impossible. I have no trouble falling asleep at bedtime.

Background info:
I'm 33, 6', 165 pounds. Despite the insomnia, I've loosely kept up with very light bodyweight exercises (pull-ups, pushups, sit-up, curls, etc.) maybe two or three times a week at home. I run and bike maybe once a week each, no insomnia there.
I've always been a light sleeper and if I eat under 1900 calories I have trouble sleeping... That number used to be closer to 2200 until I recently upped my protein intake so my macros are now 154/171/62 (before, carbs had been at 50%).
Melatonin and Zzzquil (and even Temazepam, which my doctor prescribed) are no match for the early morning insomnia. Workouts (or one set of pushups...) are equally disruptive whether done afternoon or first thing in the morning. Usual bedtime is in neighborhood of 12 to 8 am. (Am I leaving anything out...?)

My doctor is confounded and I haven't found any posts with similar issues. Any ideas?
Sincere thanks in advance!

from Forums - Nutrition


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