how do you reach enough carbs? IIFYM

I'm looking to build some muscle and i'm trying out IIFYM for the first time, used calculator and i'm willing to start with this:
148g protein
244g carbs
73g fat

Now I must be doing something wrong, because:
I read that people usually struggle to not go over with carbs, and struggle to reach their protein intake.
But look at the attached picture please. I just kind of started to fill the meal list.
100g of rice is soo much after you boil them, looking at that mountain of rice, i want to distribute them at least into 3 meals.
but then i have 100g of buckwheat which is a lot when boiled too.

And I still didn't reach the required 244g of carbs...

I can easily add 6-7 more eggs or 200g chicken and reach my protein limit, i can eat that in one sitting no problem, but if i add 100g more rice i won't be able to eat that much i think...

youtube trainers often say that protein+vegetables should take the most space on the plate, and about 20-30% of the plate should contain carbs.
but I don't see that happening , at least not yet. Judging by this screenshot, my every plate visually will be 20% protein and 60% carbs, the rest will be veggies.

What am i doing wrong?
and maybe a bonus question - how would you suggest reaching enough fat? most of it in this list comes from eggs, i'd like to add something different...
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