Help with diet (WITH detailed macros lol)

I know how you guys love these lol, but I'm including all the info. Yeah, I'm scrawny. 5'8-5'9, ~140ish. Prob about 14-15% BF. I'm not trying to be a mass monster and clearly don't have the genetics for it.

Item Calories Carbs Protein Fat Servings
Omega-3 Egg 70 0 6 5 4
Orange Juice (8oz) 110 26 2 0 0.5
Whole Wheat Bread 130 24 6 1.5 1

Chicken Breast (4oz) 140 0 26 1.5 1
Whole Wheat Bread 130 24 6 1.5 1
Peanuts (14g) 85 2.5 4 7 1

Peanuts (14g) 85 2.5 4 7 1
ON Whey 110 2 24 1 1

Beef Patty (4oz) 170 0 24 8 1
Whole Wheat Bread 130 24 6 1.5 1
Peanuts (14g) 85 2.5 4 7 1

ON Whey 110 2 24 1 1

ON Whey 110 2 24 1 1
Peanuts (14g) 85 2.5 4 7 1
Totals 1705 101 181 65
24% 42% 34%

I'd like to get a little leaner before doing a super lean bulk within reason. Trying to be about 160ish lean max.

Meal 1 @ 7am
Meal 2 @ 11:15am
Meal 3 @ 1:45pm
Meal 4 @ 4:45pm
Workout 5 - 6pm
Meal 5 (shake) @ 6pm
Meal 6 @ 9:30pm
Bed @ 10pm

I seem to be spinning my wheels for months ... are my macros terrible? too low? Asking cuz I passed out at the wheel and got super lucky I didn't hit anyone (other then my own car). My lifts are actually pretty decent for my scrawny size lol. Bench 1rm ~215-220lb, deadlift 1rm ~340-350lb, squat 1rm ~260lb.

Only time I ever felt light headed when lifting was when dead lifting the last month or so, but never passed out or anything there, so not even sure if its related to the calories. Got some doctor appointments lined up obviously.

from Forums - Nutrition


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