Is my personal trainer nuts? Bulking...

I started working out with a personal trainer 6 weeks ago. I’m 33 male. Most my life I had a sedentary life and never did weight lifting before. Before starting my training I weighted 72 kg/158 lbs. My height is 173 cm/5”6.

I started lifting 3 times a week with my trainer and was on a low carb sugar diet. I would start my day with 5 egg whites + 1 whole egg. For snack I would have some veggies and lunch was 220 grams of cooked protein (chicken, fish) with 10 tablespoons of rice. I would have another snack (70 grams of greek yogurt) before having my dinner which was 220 grams but with no carbs.

I lost a lot of fat mostly in my belly section and my weight has now dropped to 67.5 kg/148 lbs in a month.

I wanted to post my results but since i'm new and this is my first post I'm not able to. But I lost a lot fat and look way more fit.

My personal trainer wants me to start bulking now and he has given me this diet.

Breakfast - 7 egg whites + 1 whole egg
1st Lunch - 220 gram chicken/fish or 150 grams of meat + 10 tablespoons of rice
2nd Lunch - 220 gram chicken/fish or 150 grams of meat + 10 tablespoons of rice
Dinner - 220 gram chicken/fish or 150 grams of meat + 10 tablespoons of rice
Before Bed - 10 Almonds, 1 scoop of casein + 4 egg whites

Does this seem ideal? I did some calculations and with a diet like this I’m over 250 grams of protein per day with only around 100 grams of carbs and 43 grams of fat. Weird thing is he mentioned with this diet I’m getting 180 grams of protein but on most apps with this diet it shows i’m over 250 grams of protein. Not sure if I misunderstood his diet or if that’s what he wants me to eat. I will have a chat with him this week.

I have upped my exercise sessions to 4 days of lifting from 3 days.

I cannot help but to think something is off with the amount protein he wants me to take daily for bulking. My goal is to lose fat and at the same time build some muscle.

Any thoughts?

from Forums - Nutrition

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