Which dinner/date would you choose? #15 of 16

New Zealand sorbet


Nicaragua rice beans toast and filet of Equatorial three toed burrowing rat.

Round 2: Guam (4-3), Honduras (9-0), Iceland (4-2), Indonesia (5-3), Ireland (6-1), Italy (4-3), Kazahkstan (5-1), Kosovo (7-2), Krygyzstan (6-2), Lebanon (4-3), Malta (7-0), Mexico (7-0), Namibia (5-0), Netherlands (4-2)

Point totals:

----- Camarija +++++ ++++
EliKoehn +++++ +
----- - faithbrah +++++ ++
Freiord +
-- gbullock32 +++++ +++
Gryphonly +
-- mikey32905 +++++ +
-- paulinkansas +++++ +++++ ++
- SuperHippo +++++ ++++
TearsOfIce +++++ +++++ +
--- TollerantLactose +++++ +++

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/edWoE6Z


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