Foods you used to love but now hate and why?

I'm curious as to what makes people go from loving certain foods to later hating them. It seems the usual culprits for such a change tend to be sicknesses, eating something too much, or just even getting older and noticing how a certain food affects your body. For me, I used to LOVE donuts and would regularly eat 4 or 5 Krispy Kreme donuts after school as a kid without a problem. Nowadays, donuts are way too sweet for my taste. I could still do a cake donut, but I actually vastly prefer things like donut flavored protein cake bites or protein bars to the real thing. I also can't eat fries (formerly a favorite food) that aren't homemade at all anymore because they destroy my stomach, and they sadly don't even taste good to me anymore.

Does anybody either have any anecdotes or links to research that explains this phenomenon? Are there people who are genetically hardwired to never get sick of foods? I know some people who need every meal of every day to be different, and others who need them to be all the same almost every single day. While the former could be getting sick of food almost instantly, I'd imagine the latter could get burnt out.

from Forums - Nutrition

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