Stretch marks on arm pits

I am currently sitting at 90Kg (im 6ft 2) and have been training for 2 years now. I have noticed red marks on my armpits and moving over my biceps. obviously stretch marks, but don't know how to stop of slow this down, im not fat, my calories to maintain weight Is around 2,700, I have been trying to put a little weight on so I am eating around 3.2k. When I first started training a couple years ago I was 70kg, I feel like 2 years is a long time for my skin to adjust to the weight gain. Im just lost on what to do, im thinking incorporating some HIIT workouts to try and burn some calories and hopefully some fat, as well has instead of training arms twice a week just once and also try and just maintain weight for now instead of putting more on. ANY IDEAS?

from Forums - Nutrition


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