cooking for health

8 incredible benefits of jiló


Fruit rich in water (about 90% of its composition), this is a low calorie food, making it a great alternative for those who follow a restrictive diet. Check out some of the most popular benefits of eating jiló according to nutritionist Ana Paula Moura:

It helps in the control of diabetes: “due to its large amount of fiber and its low carbohydrate content, this fruit helps to maintain glycemic control”, reveals the professional.

Coadjuvant in the treatment of anemia: as it is a food rich in iron, it can be a great adjunct in the treatment of anemias, especially iron deficiency anemia.

It guarantees a healthier heart: according to the nutritionist, jiló is rich in vitamin B1, which acts directly in the regulation of some cardiac functions.

Helps in the treatment of dyslipidemia: this fruit has high doses of flavonoids, compounds that help to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and also prevent the formation of atheroma plaques in the circulatory system.

Improved oral hygiene: “thanks to its bitter taste, the jiló increases salivation, a feat that helps with oral hygiene, reducing bad breath”, explains Ana Paula.

Provides better digestion: this is one of its best known benefits. Due to the bitterness, the jiló stimulates the secretion of more gastric juice, resulting in a better digestion of food.

It guarantees a feeling of satiety: as it has a large amount of fiber and water, this fruit guarantees a greater feeling of satiety and can be consumed in greater quantity.

Antioxidant function: “as jiló is rich in vitamin A and manganese, it helps prevent serious diseases such as cancer and degenerative diseases, by fighting free radicals”, adds the professional.

All of these benefits can guarantee better health, in addition to increasing the feeling of well-being. Prove its effects by adding the consumption of jiló to your food routine.

from Forums - Nutrition

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