Anyone Else Struggle with Inconsistent Appetite in Extreme Heat?

Curious if this is something commonly felt by other people, or if my stomach is autistic.

Ever since July when it started getting 100+ outside very day, my hunger has been really inconsistent and unpredictable. I'll go several hours of not wanting to eat, or basically forcing myself to make/eat food, and then I'll randomly become STARVING some time later. There's no buildup, just from 0 desire to eat to hunger growls right away. I'm noticing that even when I'm hungry the idea of food kinda puts me off anyway, still. Sometimes my "usual" meals will leave me feeling much more stuffed than usual, and other times 15 minutes later it'll feel like I've eaten nothing.

I'm eating, but just feels really weird and uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure it's the heat phucking with me, I've noticed it's worse the more time I spend outdoors.

from Forums - Nutrition

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